Арена 2vs2 | EVOWOW Official WOW Server Website
Арена 2vs2

Статистика на арена отборите за 2vs2 Статистика на арена отборите за 2vs2

Арена Отбор Герои Битки Победи Рейтинг
Horde Herflik Vodenluk Superqkata 0 0 1500
Alliance Once again Chaoswizard Winlight 0 0 1500
Alliance IGRATA Pexotineca Damager 0 0 1500
Alliance kombinata Imperator Sylar 11 5 1499
Horde The Bulls Grezkar Thraw 1 0 1499
Horde Russian Sergus Dukapb 9 4 1498
Alliance freekout Hitriks Rainger Savage 2 0 1498
Alliance Feeders Bloodyknight Mythstar 108 46 1497
Horde peshkite Zuris Peshka Sanny 39 10 1497
Horde asdg Kravarnik Macsus Lightuser 1 0 1496
Horde Caster Brothers Kuciat Cursedsoul 1 0 1496
Alliance hellyeah Ducheto Sloth 1 0 1495
Alliance genesis Stamat Alfredo Contessa 1 0 1495
Alliance Ghost Whisperer Victoryy Miscreant 1 0 1495
Horde Brothers Goasia Nikihero Themitakabg 79 36 1494
Alliance asdfsdf Analjustis Holymen 1 0 1493
Horde kokoboko Kolkata Mafiq 1 0 1492
Alliance Pirates of the Caribbean Danax Artes 1 0 1492
Horde afasfvsvs Bloodystrike Shangi 1 0 1492
Alliance awdawdadasd Paratactic Metalman Paleto 2 0 1492
13 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21 22 23